Beautiful sunset by my house

The Rocky Mountains... from the air!!!!!!!
Octopus in the Boston Aquarium

Myrtle the Giant Sea Turtle... Also in the Boston Aquarium (by the way... I didn't name it Myrtle, the aquarium did)
This is one of my favorites!!!! I got underneath my Aunt Lynne's Magnolia tree and took this looking up. It is a beautiful tree!
Cheyenne, one of my BFF's!!!!! She is so sweet and kind!!
I'll try to keep you up to date as much as possible, but NO promises!!!! :)

The Rocky Mountains... from the air!!!!!!!

Myrtle the Giant Sea Turtle... Also in the Boston Aquarium (by the way... I didn't name it Myrtle, the aquarium did)

This is one of my favorites!!!! I got underneath my Aunt Lynne's Magnolia tree and took this looking up. It is a beautiful tree!

I'll try to keep you up to date as much as possible, but NO promises!!!! :)
Hi Linds! Yay for keeping up on the Jergensen blog! Keep it coming, I like hearing from you!
Thanks for the update Lindsey--get your Mom to do MORE!! I'd really like to keep up with what your great family is up to.
(Ask your Mom who I am, and tell her hi)
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